Halo 2uesday Invaded By Idiots

As I sat down tonight for my usual Tuesday session of Halo 2 I have to say that I was annoyed from the get-go. I am getting sick and tired of the general public and everytime that I go into matchmaking I am getting less and less surprised by the assholes that play this game online. In my very first attempt at matchmaking tonight I was placed into a "King of the Hill" match on Lockout and from the opening lobby I was already disgusted. Everybody (minus the group I entered matchmaking with) was saying shit like "this is gay" or "thats gay".. "you noobs are gonna get your asses kicked" and I won't even mention the racial slurrs because its not even worth it. So anyway.. I enter my first match and there was one fucking idiot who instead of going for the hill was just up on a ridge sniping trying to see how many kills and medals he can get.. to this moron I say ...Learn the game, King of the Hill has nothing to do with kills please get a grip on reality, hit puberty and stop wasting my fucking time!!! I have had it up to here with all these pre-pubescent dickwads with microphones, grow up and please for the love of God.... SHUT UP. The rest of the night wasn't much better, every match we were winning the other teams would quit out of. Now come on, life is not determined by Halo rankings and if you are losing just finish the damn game and stop being a baby. The bright side of this evening was that I was not stuck with any jerkoffs that are trying to "de-level" which seems to be the latest craze now-a-days.
Look, I don't wanna be misunderstood, Halo 2 is a GREAT game... one of the best games ever but I have a hard time wanting to play this masterpiece online when all thats out there waiting is a bunch of assholes that seem to be hell bent on ruining the experience for all others involved. The final thought I had on the subject was this..... I thought there was an "M" rating on this game... so why are all the matches filled with a bunch of 10 year old foul mouth brats? Oh well maybe these kids won't be able to afford the XBOX 360 and we won't have to put up with them in Halo 3 ... buts thats just wishful thinking.
Wait, this only happens to you on Tuesdays!?!
Thats why when I'm playing Rumble Pit I don't even use the headset. Fuck those annoying twerps.
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