Killer Colds And Zombies

Today just flat out sucked I have a nasty cold and stayed home from work. I was up all last night because I had the nastiest sore throat from hell and when it was time to get ready for work I just flat out couldn't do it.... I felt like complete and utter shit. There was a bright side to all of this because I got to spend time catching up on sleep and after I was all awake I got to catch up on playing some Resident Evil 4 on the Gamecube. What I want to say about this game can not be said enough.... in my opinion this is one of the best games I have ever played. Anyone who owns a Gamecube should get this game, and if you don't have a 'cube... GET ONE- you have no idea what you are missing out on. The only problem I have is that every time I would sit down to play a game I always get sucked in to some sort of online frag fest so single player games like RE4 tend to fall the wayside with me but today since I was home in the afternoon and there was no activity on XBOX Live I took the opportunity to get some time in with the stunning RE4. Look I know it is a RE game but I can not stress enough how well Capcom hit the nail square on the head with this one, the graphics are a sight to see but what really does it is the gameplay. The controls are FINALLY improved as well as the trademark Capcom shitty camera angles. I will not gush over this game anymore I will simply say to get it. I also want to say that I won't just confine this to game of the year because I feel it is insulting to the game and it is so good that it should rank up there with the all the the greatest games ever - trust me, it's that good and if you play games get this one, you will thank me.

We have a Cube. :)
A long, long, long time ago, I tried to play RE 2 (I think it was) on the PS1. I never got very far cuz it scared the shit outta me. That, and those stupid typewriter ribbons. Damn it. I wanna save when I wanna save!! LOL
We bought RE Zero for the Cube, but the camera/movement is weird. So I couldn't get into it.
That said, I played Silent Hill 3 on the XB and loved it. Freaky freaky. First video game I've EVER finished. I played a demo for Silent Hill 4, but wasn't very impressed. Maybe I should rent it.
BTW, hope you're feeling better.
RE4 is my game of the year so far. Loved it.
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