New And Improved Blog, Now Anyone Can Comment !!!
Due to a regretable oversight when I created this blog I forgot to edit my settings and allow anyone to comment on my posts. Now I know I have a loyal and rabid fan base out there so when it was brought to my attention by an esteemed colleague, known simply as AK-47, that I was able to change this setting and allow ALL to comment on my posts .... I was a happy camper. Lets face it, I love feedback and I adore the spotlight so if you got something to say.... speak up, I wanna know what you think damn it (except if you disagree with me on anything). So get writing folks....

Damn straight!
- AK-47
You rock.
Keggy my friend, you are the true icon
Hey.. I've been speaking up! LOL
If I'm an icon then LSG is a deity. You better recognize Ant.
I admit it..... ALL HAIL LSG!!!!!
Well It's about time!!
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