My Own Little World

Tuesday, December 05, 2006


Last weekend was one big plie of steaming horse shit. On Saturday night I got into a car accident and completely totaled my beloved car "Scarlett".

I was on a local highway and was cut-off, when I jammed on my brakes I lost control of the car. I ended up skidding across the road and the back end of my car hit a fire hydrent which in turn completely destroyed the entire back of it... lets put it this way, the entire trunk was inside of itself and the car looked as if it had no back end AT ALL.

Now I am upset as a mother fucker, I LOVED that car and now its simply gone. I did not get a chance to take any pictures of the wreckage but I promise that if the insurance adjuster gives me one last look at it before they total it I will post up pictures.

Anyway I figured that I put at least one last picture of "Scarlett" in all of her former glory. She was once a mighty automobile and now she has been reduced to the wrecking ball.

Goodnight fair Scarlett, you will truly be missed !!

Scarlett: Dec 2005- Dec 2006


Blogger Red Sox Fanatic said...

Dude, again I am so sorry for the loss of your car, and the ordeal you had to go thru. I am glad that you're alright and didn't get really hurt (physically).

I can't believe that fucker got away with it! That really pisses me off, and I am not even the one who got in the accident. LOL

I am sure your next car will look just as fantastic as "Scarlett" did, but even better.

12/05/2006 8:35 PM  
Blogger Booster MPS said...

Sucks man. I really hope that you are ok and were not hurt. I will chainsaw you some time - I promise it will make it all better.

12/06/2006 12:34 PM  
Blogger Mister Bones said...

Ouch that sucks Cap! Glad you're okay though.

12/08/2006 10:19 PM  

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